Thursday 22 May 2014

Zeppelin for Hire

Following discussions with my teammates on the Extended Practice project, we have decided to form an Indie Games development studio called Zeppelin for Hire, sometimes abbreviated to ZfH.

Zeppelin for Hire currently consists of myself, Andy Bailey and Adam Khalid. Our roles within the studio are as follows:

Tim Holland - Creative Director, Lead Writer & Level Designer, 3D modeller

Adam Khalid - Concept Artist, 3D modeller

Andy Bailey - Concept Artist, Texture Artist, 2D Asset Artist

Our first Indie game project will be a 2D rpg style game set in an 80's themed post-apocalyptic wasteland, currently under the working title of "Saturday Night Vengeance"

To help get the project started, I put together a mood-board for inspiration:

Our website is currently under construction but will be under the domain handle once completed and hosted.

Business Cards
Business Cards for Zeppelin for Hire will be completed once our logo is finalised and our website is launched. This will be completed in time for Game Republic 2014.

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