Thursday 22 May 2014

PPP - Script writing for comics

Because I have recently started writing comics with my peers, I have found it necessary to learn how to correctly format my scripts.

A cursory look on the internet revealed a short tutorial guide on how to properly lay out comic scripts. This has proved to be invaluable as I was able to quickly pick up script writing for comics and easily managed to find a way to write comfortably in that format.

I learned how to write comic scripts for a web comic titled "The Misadventures of Prince Jeffrey"I am writing with artwork provided by my friend Jeff Maddison.

Script writing is very different from standard prose writing. While prose writing is designed to present a story directly to the audience, script writing frames it in a form that is easier to manage for adaptation into a visual format. In comics, script writing is usually divided into a set number of panels that will appear on the page, with the panel descriptions setting out the actions the characters take while the dialogue is laid out in, often numbered, a way to easily communicate how the speech bubbles will fit onto the page.

I hope to continue writing for comics long after the webcomic is finished. Both professionally and on web comics. I would also love to write comics for DC comics and 2000 AD, both comics publishers whose works I have been a big fan of for a long time.

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