Thursday 22 May 2014

Prince Jeffrey Webcomic - 3D modelling development opportunities

Because of the complicated architectural nature of the Prince Jeffrey in-story world, with each kingdom and castle taking inspiration from a different set of cultures and architectural periods, it will be difficult to draw each environment from scratch with only a single reference.

I feel that by constructing asset reference, I will be able to help frame the scene a lot more effectively, as well as drastically improve both mine and Jeff's understanding of architecture in relation to perspective. I will also be able to dramatically improve my 3-dimensional modelling skills, and be able to produce a wide variety of buildings quickly and efficiently. Fortunately I will not need to use texturing as this is simply an aid to the lineart, however on pieces I am particularly proud of, I may wish to practice texturing techniques.

This development opportunity will also give the chance to try my hand at the 3-D sculpting program mudbox. Allowing me to further develop the shapes of buildings in order to create more interesting architecture dependent of the culture the architectural design is meant to represent.

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