Thursday 22 May 2014


GaMaYo is an informal network of games developers from the yorkshire area. When Zeppelin for Hire begins publishing games, we will eligible to enter this network.

Because of the opportunities that could be gained from joining GaMaYo, it will be an invaluable benefit to Zeppelin for Hire, however they only accept developers who have released at least one game and are based in the Yorkshire area. While we are still a long way off from releasing our first full game, two of the three current members of Zeppelin for Hire are based in Yorkshire, while I am living Nottinghamshire, meaning that I am close enough to commute to Yorkshire if needed.

There is a wide variety of developers that are a part of GaMaYo, ranging from iOS app game developers such as Appy Times, to developers for triple A consoles such as Sumo Digitial. Similarly, many of the developers consist of only a single person, while others contain multiple people.

When Zeppelin for Hire is ready to join, GaMaYo could prove to be an invaluable asset to the growth of the development team.

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