Thursday 15 May 2014

In game Enemies

Add Screenshots of enemy placement and health alterations, also discuss how you used the angry bots enemies as a template and what alterations have been made

The Enemy Mech from Angry Bots served as the template for two of the enemy mechs the player would face within the game. By raising and lowering the mech's health, I was able to change the difficulty of fighting the enemies dependant on how many of certain enemy types the player would fight at any one time. The reason we used this mech as template was because it moved and behaved in a very similar way to how we intended our own mechs to behave.

The Crimson Skull is the most common type of in game enemy, often referred to as the "grunt" type. Because the player will often fight these enemies in large groups, I lowered their health so that a few shots from the player would kill them, however the large amounts of the Crimson Skull meant that the player still had a challenge when fighting them. Also pictured is the enemy spider from Angry Bots which serves as a template for the enemy Booze Bombs

The less common Booze Spider mech appears much less frequently, but has a much higher health compared to the Crimson Skull, this makes them much tougher to fight and is represented by their larger size and appearing in key locations.

The Booze Bomb is the peak of Marauder innovation technology, it is simply a barrel of strong alcohol wired up to a V8 engine and rigged to explode. This is the weakest in-game enemy and poses very little challenge to the player on its own, however in large groups mixed in with the other enemies can provide a distraction from the more pressing threats.

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