Thursday 15 May 2014

Northern Iron - the challenge of being group coordinator

Of my roles in this group project, my biggest one has to be that of group coordinator/manager. It was usually up to me to make sure things going into the game all matched up and were to the correct standard.

Although difficult, I enjoyed the challenge and found that I was able to make sure that the game world naturally evolved by mixing my teammates' skills with my creative vision as story writer.

I feel my role as group manager actually came about due to me being comparatively assertive about the ideas I wanted to see go into the game, resulting the others into deferring to me whenever they had questions regarding the creative direction of the game space.

Much of the organisation came from the use of Google Drive and Facebook Chat, allowing us all to work from home while transferring files and information to each other, allowing me to make sure that all elements of the game were correctly implemented and made to the correct standard and fit the aesthetic style of the game.

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