Thursday 22 May 2014

PPP - Founding the LCA Tabletop and Board Gaming Society

I formed the society in order to allow people of similar interests to myself to meet likeminded individuals and to get a chance to take part in tabletop and board gaming.

In order to form the society I had to follow a procedure set out by the Student Union, requiring me to list the societies intention and ensure that we had enough members to warrant an interest, as well as appointing a committee to aid me in running the society. While simple to follow and set up, the procedure was time consuming and although I started forming the society in January, we were unable to have our first session until the week before we broke up for the Easter Break. However this means that when the other committee members take over the running of the society, they will be able to set up effectively immediately.

So far sessions with the tabletop gaming society have been fun with an increased turnout each session. Thankfully sessions have been small so I haven't had to worry about trying to accommodate people into large sessions where there have been more people than we can fit into a single game.

Currently members are advised to bring their own games, and so far this has been successful. The largest sessions have been the pen and paper roleplay games which can accommodate a large ammount of people. 

The society has mostly been advertised via word of mouth, although the LCA Student Union also put out an email advertising the society.

In order to keep the member of the society up to date and answer any questions that they may have I have set up a facebook page that is open to anyone to join, similarly I have also been provided an email address by the LCA Student Union I can use to answer any questions to the society.

So far running the society has been a rewarding experience and simple enough to organise. The use of social media through facebook has been a massive contribution

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