Thursday 15 May 2014

Northern Iron - My role as Level Designer

During later stages of development on Northern Iron I took on the role of Level Designer, originally this role was given to Rhys Bryant, but because I was tasked with adding the playable elements to the game I needed to make use of Rhys' level. Unfortunately our original plan of creating the game level to correspond to areas of Leeds proved to be ineffective and too large for players to traverse, as well as being counter intuitive in regards to gameplay. Because of this, and troubles in transferring elements from Angry Bots we were using as a base for our gameplay, the original level was scrapped and I quickly constructed a mock-up version of the level based on the design specifications I had written out.

As level designer it was up to me to make decisions regarding the placement of enemies within the game as well as how the layout of the environment would affect gameplay and vice-versa.

Because none of the members of our group know much scripting, rather than code the game from scratch we used the base scripts from Angry Bots and replaced the models of certain elements with our own.

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