Wednesday 22 May 2013

Power to the Pixels

As part of our coursework we produced a short machinima film made using characters placed into a game environment using the software unity. In order to showcase our productions, as a course we produced a Pop-up exhibition dubbed Power to the Pixels. With friends and family members coming over to view our work. 

Pictured: Myself and Teammate Jennifer "Jeff" Maddison showcasing the display of our work.

While setting up the work we assigned ourselves roles within the team. I took it upon myself to mount our work on the foam boards as I feel I have a knack for this sort of work, while teammates Luca Calabrese and Jeff Maddison were sorting out the projected animation and printing out booklets respectively. 

At the actual exhibition I found myself working as "Bar Man" keeping an eye on and handing out the free snacks and drinks we had available.

Visitors would occasionally ask us questions about the work, which we were all too happy to answer, while the booklets Jeff made were incredibly well received. unfortunately none of my own work on the static assets made it onto the boards, but could still be viewed on the final animation.

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