Wednesday 22 May 2013

Cut Content

Throughout the course of developing my gamespace, many things had to be cut due to a number of reasons, mostly due to time constraints and a lack of skill. The pictures below are taken from my moodboards to represent the cut content.

Originally intended to be included were non-player characters such as guards, however due to a focus on the environmental modelling and my lack of experience in character modelling I was not able to implement these characters.

Similarly, I also intended to include a third person player character, however due to the same reasons there were no NPCs and the fact I couldn't get the 3rd person controller in the game engine to function, the player character had to be cut.
I also intended to include a hidden area, but I could not get get the model to work, similarly, I also wanted to include a menu screen but the time constraints and no prior knowledge of menu screens meant that they had to be cut from the final game.

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