Wednesday 22 May 2013

Personal Proffesional Practice - Environmental Modelling

Over the course of my year I have struggled to find where my interests lie and what my skillset is, however the past module has made me realise that the one thing I consistently enjoyed across the various modules is the environmental modelling.

While I struggle with character modelling and concept work. I find making environmental objects, such as buildings and furniture to be quite relaxing, and also recently had to create organic structures in the form of cliffs, which itself posed a challenge I believe I easily overcame.

There are still many aspects of the Environmental Modelling that I have to improve such as my sense of scale, but I feel that I will thoroughly enjoy the practice and intend to create a cache of generic assets, possibly based around themes in order to improve both my skills and my work ethic.

I also find it fun and helpful to look at existing objects, both physical, drawn and other 3D objects in order to inform my own, as well as creating stylised pieces, such as the cartoony wonky aesthetic of my  self-set module.

I would also like to combine Environmental modelling with my story telling to tell a story through the environment, such as through the use of billboards, posters and ruins.

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