Tuesday 20 March 2012

Iron Sky: Community funded feature film

Since its announcement I have had an interest in the film Iron Sky. Iron sky has finished production but will not be released in UK cinemas until April 20th. However the film's premier at the Berlin film festival was met with surprisingly positive reactions, especially considering the films subject matter.

Iron sky's premise is an unusual one, especially for a European production, and is set around the idea that in 1945 at the end of the 2nd world war, a group of Nazis travelled to the moon and built a hidden base there, and in 2018 they return to earth.

Another unusual aspect of the film was its funding. The production team were unable to get a high budget from a film studio, so they instead turned to an alternative approach. The film was funded almost entirely by potential fans, each offering small donations to the project through a project kickstarter.

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