Sunday 25 March 2012

Contextual studies lecture - Graffiti/Street Art

Graffiti has roots in cave paintings that depict scenes of everyday life. First discovered in 1940.

Ancient Roman graffiti carved into stone. This also continued in the middle ages across europe.

Kilroy first appearance in World War 2 with the slogan "Wot no....."

In the 70's Spray can graffiti evolves alongside hip-hop culture, making the Language of the streets visible, announcing a presence and saying "We will not be ignored"

Jean-michel Basquiet gains notoriety as SAMO (pronounced as SAME-OH)
SAMO meaning Same old Shit, starting out as a private joke, regarded as Neo-expressionist.

Grafitti becomes a part of Video Game culture, with comments on the lack of availability of technology and brands in the eastern bloc.

Games such as:

TATS CRU (1997)
Bomb the World (2009) PS2
Jet Set Radio (2000 - 2003) on Xbox
Sideways New York (2011) PS3

Tagging in GTA games
feature cel shaded animation, and have Graffiti as a major part of gameplay.

Invader Mosaic art features the space invader and spreads across france and 22 other countries.

Banksy is a famous graffiti artist.

Graffiti art gains political elements with Shepard Fairy's Obama Campaign as well as the war of resistance on the wall of palestine.

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