Sunday 25 March 2012

Contextual studies lecture - modernism

The following are my notes from the Modernity and Modernism lecture:

Modern: Came to mean contemporary by the 19th century but has now come to mean improved.

Modernity: Used to mean progress, came about during the industrialisation and urbanisation of the 19th century.

Modernism: the process of modernisation begins in 1750 with increased urbanisation. 
The increased usage of trains causes the world to seemingly shrink thanks to being able to get from point A - point B faster.

There are changes in the relationship with society along with a turn to science, and cities become the hub of social life, and fashion becomes a form of expression.
There is a rivalry between London and Paris, with the Eiffel Tower seen as a symbol of Modernity.

GMT becomes the agreed upon standard time.

The original centre of Paris is a slum, Napoleon replaced the centre of Paris with Boulevards.

Streetlights become electric.

Stress of city life leads to psychology labs. People begin to drink Absinthe to escape the stress.

Technology is seen as changing the world for both the better and the worse.

Film is regarded as witchcraft.

The city becomes the focus subject for artists. Optical science and the creation of pixels leads to new painting styles. New art looks at time, space and movement. There is increased emphasis on Anti-historicism, truth to materials, technology and internationalism.

Modernism reaches its peak with Walter Gropius and the Bauhaus movement, Bauhaus principles include Form follows Function and other Modernist ideals.

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