Wednesday 28 March 2012

Contextual studies lecture - French New Wave cinema

French New Wave Cinema of 1950s/1960s

Many New Waves:
British New Wave cinema, however the French movement was most prominent and influential, with a focus on Paris.

La pointe Courte (1954) by Agnes Vardu starts off the new wave

New Wave Film-makers included:

Jean-Luc Goddard
François Truffaut
Claude Chabrol
Jacques Rivette
Eric Rohmer
New wave is described as: Speaking in the vernacular, with contemporary speech, dress and mannerisms

Jean Paul Sartre described new wave as Existentialism with films that:

Stressed the individual.
Experience of free choice.

Absence of any rational understanding of universe.

Sense of absurdity in human life.

In indifferent world, existentialist seeks to:

Act authentically
Use free will
Take responsibility for all their actions.
Avoid playing out roles pre-ordained by society.

New Wave French films were often shot on location, shot using  cheap and lightweight equipment with Experimentation encouraged.

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