Sunday 25 March 2012

Contextual studies lecture - Auteur theory

The Auteur theory is that the director moulds the film.

Notable Auteurs are Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrik.

Sarris describes the Auteur as having Technical competence, a distinguishable style and interior meaning to their films.

Hitchcock is notable for having a long career beginining in the early years of film.

He has worked in both European and American cinema, regarded as having innovative films and is regarded as the master of suspence.

He uses expressionist lighting, tells his stories visually, experiments with the use of a subjective camera and uses a dolly zoom.

He also uses a clever use of montage and cutting to create tension.

He joined the film industry as a set designer in 1920.

in 1925 he was sent to germany and worked with Murnau on Nosferatu.

His first film as director was The Lodger in 1927.

He is notable for subjective camera shots, such as in Champaign, or Jamacia inn.

A notable Hitchcock quote is "What is drama but life with the dull bits cut out?"

Most famous fim is Psycho in 1960.

Hitchcocks style is:
He cameos in his films as part of his signature.
uses visual narrative.
Continuous use of actors.
obsessive use of blondes.
unconcerned with realism.

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