Thursday 19 January 2012

Mirror's Edge: Cel Animation

I'm a big fan of the first person shooter/parkour game Mirror's Edge from Dice, a game I found appealing for all of its differences to most modern shooter games, including the Battlefield series also created by Dice.  However what sold the game for me was the cel animated trailers and cutscenes. The Cel animations had the feel of an independent comic publication, and seamlessly blended with the CG animated game world.

The following video trailer is the 1st story trailer, this trailer helps to establish the setting and premise of the Mirror's Edge story, but also visually establishes the world without showing gameplay.

The style of the artwork and the animation also adds an additional element to the story. The Artwork has a stark contrast between the "Runners", the Police characters and the environments. The environments and the police characters have sharp angles and a colour scheme consisting of blues and greys, giving them an artificial feel, while the "Runners" and the parts of the environment they use to travel from rooftop to rooftop, contain smooth angles and a warm colour scheme consisting of reds and yellows to give off a more natural and flexible feel.

The flat and solid colours of the cel shaded animation, with only two colours on an object, the "main colour" and the shadow allow for the emotional feel of freedom vs authority conveyed by the character's colour schemes. The animation style is also reminiscent of Japanese anime, particularly cyberpunk works, such as Ghost in the Shell or stories about freedom in the sky such as Air Gear, however the artwork has a much more western feel.

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