Tuesday 31 January 2012

Group Film Project: Isolated

For the film module, we were put into groups and tasked with creating a film interpreting a poem  written by someone from the Asian young writers group in Bradford.

Our group was as follows:

Tim Holland (Me): Producer, Actor, Tech Crewman

Yoni Cohen: Cameraman, Storyboard Artist, Director

Joel McCusker: Actor, Co-Director

Wisdom Makubile: Editor, Cameraman

The poem we were given to work from was Isolated by Zenam Bi, we each came up with a storyboard, but decided to follow Yoni's due to the fact it had a stronger narrative than the others.

We decided on our roles early on with myself acting as producer and "Roadie" sorting out the physical equipment such as tripods, and getting the camera into position, whereas Yoni and Wisdom would deal with the settings of the camera.

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