Monday 30 January 2012

Jessops Film Competition

Recently my friend entered the Jessops Film Competition in which the film was to be shot on an SLR Still Camera's video setting, for this he came up with a simple plot centred around the game Bioshock, and asked me to star in it.

I found this to be as much a learning experience as, the film work I did for my film module. Although at the start of the course we were advised not to work on group projects with friends due to fallings out and an inability to give and receive constructive criticism amongst friends, I felt that the friends I worked with on the Jessops project to be great to work with, we shared an understanding of the film's setting, and we were all able to communicate easily what needed to be done, with only one scene being difficult to coordinate effectively.

We also worked in a variety of interesting locations around Leeds, including abandoned buildings and even some areas in central Leeds, which required a fair bit of preparation and notifying the police to what we were doing, and when we were set up in the public areas, the crew (cameraman and actress who wasn't in those scenes) had to wear high-vis vests with FILM CREW on the back.

It was also amusing to wear costume around pedestrianised areas, and I got a few strange looks off passers by, although I believe the mask helped to shield me from embarrassment.

Next time I take part in a group film project, I know I would like to work with this same group of friends again, due to our ability to understand and effectively communicate with each other.

Below are a few screenshots from the film:

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