Tuesday 25 March 2014

Northern Iron - Writing Female Characters - Anita El Draque

Where's a game without its main villain? For Northern Iron there are two enemy factions, however for the segments of the game we're actually making, the main antagonists are the Marauders.

In keeping with the fun and light hearted nature of the Marauders, I needed a leader who embodied their primary traits. I'd always intended for the leader of the Marauders to be female, breaking stereotypes for anarchic gangs. I also needed to avoid making Anita El Draque a stereotypical female villain. With that in mind, she dresses in pirate style clothing that covers most of her skin, clothing that would be comfortable out in autumn weather and sexuality takes no aspect of her personality as a villain whatsoever.

Originally her surname was Tearwinter, however I soon hit on the idea that she would be Hispanic, and as such renamed her El Draque, both due to it being a spanish name, and the association of the name with Sir Francis Drake, who was a notorious privateer in the Elizabethan era.

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