Thursday 6 March 2014

Northern Iron - Story Mission - Booze Bandits in Leeds

For Northern Iron, we are constructing a playable story based level set in Leeds. On the way to visiting the royal armouries for inspiration on weapons technology of the era, I took several photographs of the surrounding area along the canals and River Aire because I noticed that they'd provide perfect architectural inspiration and scale reference. This then inspired me to set the first mission in Leeds, both due to the aesthetics of the area, but also because of our being based there, we had instant access to references for space by simply walking around town.

After deciding on a location we needed a reason for the player and their enemies to be there. While it was easy enough to decide on a reason for the player character and the Northern Resistance to be there, they were either already there, or removing the Marauders, it was a lot harder to decide why the Marauders were there, however through discussions with Andy about how the Marauders behaved we eventually settled on the idea of the Marauders being raging alcoholics whose entire empire was powered by booze, and as such had converted the city into breweries.

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