Thursday 16 January 2014

Initial Testing

Early in development of my game environment I began experimental with the space and lighting within the environment. These tests were crucial because the allowed me to quickly establish the shape of the space before I began modelling the assets in Maya.

The lighting of the space was primarily informed by a line from the novel, while the hexagonal theme was recurrent throughout the initial sketches.

A test into the size and overall shape of the space, I soon discovered that the space was too large for the claustrophobic conditions of a cyberpunk building so I looked into shrinking the size of the space.

When experimenting with scale I looked into having coffee dispensers or vending machines, although the coffee dispensers in the final game are much smaller than the block I used to test lighting.

This initial blocking out of the bar incorporates the central column theme I had established early on, however I lated replaced it with a smaller column and self serve terminals to better incorporate the futuristic cyberpunk theme.

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