Tuesday 25 October 2011

Concept Artist: John Liberto

Recently I presented my work to my peers, and during this presentation I was introduced to John Liberto, a concept artist whose works fit almost perfectly to my own themes of Oriental Cyberpunk.

John Liberto's rich paintings show a wide variety of themes, however they all contain similar elements that add subtle oriental and cyberpunk flavours to the works. This can be seen most in the image below of a flooded chinatown.

As you can see, this image depicts a flooded oriental city, however the city also has futuristic elements to it, such as many elevated walkways reaching high into the skies, something not seen in most modern cities. Also many of the materials used to build the city are in fact simple, such as sheet metal and wood, suggesting that the city has been built in a ramshackle and hasty fashion to escape the floods. This feel is what I was attempting to achieve with the look of the tribal village of my character, Jenny Heun.

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