Sunday 25 September 2011

Concept Artist: Jerad Marantz

Hey People! As part of my research for my character concepts I have been looking at existing concept artists, finding an invaluable resource in which contains a vast ammount of concept art by a large variety of different artists.

Anyways, after recently seeing the film Sucker Punch, I have gained an interest in the work of Jerad Marantz who came up with concept designs for the dream battles within the film, the Trenches sequence having a particularly Retrofuturistic theme.

As you can see here, the Reanimated Steam powered German Infantrymen have a strong Retrofuturistic feel, combining old technologies and German uniforms from both world wars with a futuristic idea of cyborgs. The three German Reanimated Foot Soldiers all contain varying degrees of futuristic and retro elements. The one on the right looking like a zombie version of a World War era German Infantryman, the one on the left looking slightly more futuristic, with the cybernetic arm and gasmask, using a belt fed world war era rifle. The soldier in the centre image is the most futuristic, carrying a large machine gun that almost looks out of place in the first world war setting of the dream sequence, as well as having a chest plate with various pipes and dials across it.

I think that Jerad Marantz' works will be a massive influence on my Retrofuristic Aircraft Pilot concepts,  and I'm looking forward to showing the work I will produce for this concept.

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