Thursday 10 May 2012

Environment Inspiration

For the video games module I was tasked with creating an environment, I opted to create a spaceship crash site.

The theme behind the crash site came naturally to me as I had recently watched Alien3 and I am a massive fan of the film. Although I also brainstormed other ideas, the steelworks theme I envisioned was piecing itself together much more naturally.

My love for the 3rd Alien film came not from the thriller aspects the series is famous for, but from the environment of steelmill turned prison turned temple. The steelmill environment has always piqued my interest due to my dad showing me pictures from the steelworks he worked at when I was at a young age.

I also considered putting the steel mill into a cyberpunk-esque urban environment but instead opted for the more realistic coastal environment that most steelworks are found in.

For the ship itself, I considered using VTOL aircraft for the actual design, but settled for a prison pod that had been wrecked beyond repair, allowing me to create lots of smaller parts instead of one big ship.

I looked at a lot of images of existing steelworks, both interiors and exteriors from around the world. From these I learned that steelworks are essentially made up of very simple geometry, mostly cubes and cylinders. I also chose to set my environment at dawn because of how it complimented the steelworks theme.

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