Saturday 4 February 2012

Animator: Cyriak

A short while ago, we received a talk from the animator Cyriak, although I had seen Cyriak's animations before, I couldn't put name to work, so to speak. However I found that his animations were really enjoyable and strangely amusing.

Cyriak has a distinct style that often shows ordinary animals or TV personalities transforming or acting in rather strange and surreal manners.

Below is the animation Cows & Cows & Cows, which starts off simply as cows in a field that begin dancing and then start transforming into abstract objects and cow-spiders.

Cyriak's unique style is made by taking photographs, screenshots or videos and then altering them frame by frame using Photoshop and After Effects. However what really interested me is how he got into animating freelance. He started out by working in an office and learning how to animate in his spare time, which led to him being made redundant when he started making more animations at home and posting them up on youtube, which gradually lead to commissions.

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