Wednesday 12 June 2013

VFX Artists - Industrial Light and Magic: Star Wars Episode 3

As with previous instalments, the film Star Wars Episode III, utilises a heavy use of VFX created by Industrial Light and Magic in order to create the fantastical science fiction world of the Star Wars films. 

Due to the fantastical setting of the film, sound stages and virtual set extensions were used extensively throughout the film. Rotoscoping techniques were also used to create the glowing Lightsaber weapon used by the Jedi and Sith characters.

In future projects of my own, I would like to use virtual sets and set extensions in order to produce fantastical locations. However I also find that the skills required in crafting a digital set are transferable over to other aspects of digital media, such as the playable environments of a video game, or the virtual set of a 3D animation.

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