Monday 28 April 2014

PPP - Live brief - Zombie AI game

For his 4th year of study at Lincoln University, my friend is creating a Zombie Simulation game using advanced AI scripting. To demonstrate the scripting, he requires several 3D assets that will make up the game world and serve as the enemy zombies.

Project Brief:
 The project in question is a MComp research project examining the application of Agent-based and swarm AI to hostiles in video games. In particular, the project will focus on producing a realistic zombie AI using Agent-based techniques. In order to test this system, players will be placed in a randomly-generated cityscape map and asked to navigate to a given point. The map will be prepopulated by large numbers of hostile zombies and the player must avoid these zombies on their way to the destination. The player will attempt to complete this scenario 3 times, each with a different zombie AI setup. Questionnaires and metrics will then be used to examine changes in play style and player preference.

Required assets:
 A number of simple building assets based on the style of a town/city.
  Required features: Anywhere between 2 and 6-7 stories tall. Consistent style. Basic texturing. Collision volumes.
  Preferred features: Alcoves, back yards and alleyways. In brief, a range of hiding places and shortcuts.
 A simple zombie model. Left4Dead, shambler style.
  Required features: Basic texture, rigging, simple shambling animation.
  Preferred features: Multiple textures (for variation), simple standing animation (swaying, arm movement, etc.)

These assets will be used for the buildings and zombies during the testing phase to enhance the realism of the gameplay.

This project is an ideal opportunity for me to develop my 3D modelling skills, allowing me to create modular buildings that can be randomised to create realistic urban streets that the player can navigate as they evade the hostile zombie hordes.

I will also be able to improve my character modelling and animation skills and vastly improve my texturing skills through the use of 3D painting/sculpting programs such as Mudbox.

For research I will need an understanding of modern urban architecture in order to create buildings that can be easily randomised in order to create a realistic procedurally generated cityscape.

As for the zombies, I will need to research zombies in visual media in order to understand their aesthetic and movements. To develop my skills further I will attempt to create five different Zombie models, including two male zombies, two female zombies and one zombie that is mangled to only the vaguest of human appearance.

I will need to learn basic rigging and animation. While I have dabbled in these in the past, I have struggled with rigging and have so far been unable to successfully rig a character, however I have a series of step by step tutorials that will allow be to learn, and with practice I should be able to rig the zombie models to a good standard.

This project will allow me to prove I can work professionally with programmers to create an effective playable game environment. I will also have a selection of realistic environmental and character models I can add to my portfolio to show I can work in a diverse range of styles alongside my other stylised pieces.

As part of my research, I have begun to construct moodboards to help me develop the visual style of the game world, as well as to make sure that I understand exactly what it is that my friend wants out of the game.

This moodboard is my inspiration for the environment of the game, being a Zombie Apocalypse game, I feel that the game world would be set in a run down and poorly maintained urban setting.

Friday 25 April 2014

PPP - Extracurricular project: The Misadventures of Prince Jeffrey Webcomic

Hey dudes, outside of college work I am working on a webcomic with my friend Jennifer "Jeff" Maddison on a webcomic we call The Misadventures of Prince Jeffrey, I write the story whilst she provides the artwork and ideas, as well as editing my scripts where necessary.

The Misadventures of Prince Jeffrey is a fantasy adventure comic following the exploits of the titular Prince Jeffrey, a woman who takes it upon herself to rescue kidnapped princesses and other individuals in need, and her wizard companion Timotheus (informally referred to as Wizbitch by the creators)

 Art by Jeff Maddison

The story began life as a joking nickname I gave to Jeff Maddison, however her penchant for drawing characters inspired by herself and her friends, coupled with my tendency to refer to myself as a wizard, led to her doodling the two protagonists. This immediately sparked discussions about the two characters and the adventures they would take, prompting myself to write a short story based on the characters. Although we had discussed the idea of making the characters into a webcomic before this, the short story pushed us to further develop the story of the characters, and prompted us to actually take the webcomic idea to fruition.

I have learned a lot from this project in regards to world building and story writing, as well as a way to write scripts for comics.

I see this webcomic as an opportunity to further develop as a writer and to develop a greater understanding of the work that goes into writing a comic. The project also allows me a greater understanding of what I need to consider when writing for other people.

While the project will primarily be a web based comic,  I am interested in creating possible transmedia elements, including prose short stories and an in-universe style "Prince's Handbook".

Both myself and Jeff hope to see this comic gain a readership and perhaps develop into printed editions, allowing us to take the comic to comics conventions, allowing ourselves greater opportunities as comics creators.