Saturday 6 October 2012

A Summer Summary

Over the summer I was unable to do the amount of work I would have liked due to a hectic summer with me spending little time at home, as well as my laptop having a hard drive malfunction that resulted in a complete memory wipe.

However, despite these hinderances, I have written some step outlines for film ideas as well as developing further some story ideas I had already begun writing. These include a steampunk alternative history story about Sky Pirates. And a dystopian future partially inspired by the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood.

I have also seen many films at the cinema over the summer which I shall look at in more detail in later posts.

These include:

The Dark Knight Rises:

Total Recall (2012 remake):


Dredd 3D:

Iron Sky:

In addition, I also attended MCM Expo London May 2012, an annual event showcasing upcoming video games and films, as well as being a place for artists and other media personalities to meet with their fans. As well as showing panels for people within the film and gaming industry to discuss upcoming projects and the industry as a whole with fans. The Expo also provides a place for fans to cosplay as characters from their favorite fandoms. I myself cosplayed a human personification of Finland from one of my favorite webcomics. (A great idea at the height of summer! NOT)

1 comment:

  1. Dark Knight Rises was awesome. Bane sounds like a combo of Optimus Prime, Sean Connery and Patrick Stewart. Joker is arguably a better antagonist though.
